Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Samilsingo (三一神誥 366 characters)-5/5

5. The teaching about Human (眞理訓: 167)

Humans and all beings receive samjin(三眞: three genuineness) from Heaven. However only Humans are seduced into the delusions on earth where the sammang(三妄: three delusions) are rooted, and the interaction between samjin(三眞) and sammang(三妄) leads to the creative functions of samdo(三途: three roads). The samjin(三眞: three genuineness) are nature(性), life(命), and essence(精), and humans receive the samjin (三眞) entirely but other things receive the samjin(三眞) partially.

The true nature(性) is genuinely good(善) and no evil(惡) at all, so realizing this nature is the highest level's enlightenment. The true life(命) is genuinely clean(淸) and no cloudy(濁) at all, so realizing this life is the middle level's enlightenment. The true essence(精) is genuinely thick(厚) and no thin(薄) at all, so preserving this essence well by dao practice is the low level's enlightenment. Therefore, when one cultivates this samjin(三眞) well to return to the genuineness, one could enter the world of creation of One Spirit (God, Sangjenim).

The sammang(三妄: three delusions) are mind(心), qi(氣), and body(身). The mind(心) is rooted in the nature(性) of Samsin (Primordial God) and yet it has the good and evil thus, the good mind causes the blessings but the evil mind induces misfortunes. The qi(氣) is rooted in the eternal life(命) of Samsin and yet it has the clean and cloudy thus, the clean qi causes the longevity but the cloudy qi induces the early death. The body(身) is rooted in the essence(精) of Samsin and yet it has the thick and thin thus, the thick preservation of one's essence causes the noble being, but the thin dissipation of one's essence brings the shallow ugly being.

Samdo(三途: three roads) are feeling(感), breathing(息), and sensing(觸). These feeling, breathing and sensing are again transformed into 18 sub-categories; in feeling has joy, fear, sad, anger, desire, and hatred; in breathing has upward, downward, cool, warm, dry, and humid; in sensing has sound, color, smell, taste, lust, and touch.

Humans arbitrarily run along the dissipated roads which are mixed with good and evil of mind, clear and cloudy of qi, and thick and thin of body to fall into the sufferings of the birth, growth, aging, sickness and death. However, the wise man ceases down the emotional feelings, regulates one’s breathing evenly, abandons physical sensing and conducts himself in every affair with one will and corrects the sammang(三妄) to proceed to the samjin(三眞) hence, he finally manifests the Greatest Qi of God(大神氣) in himself. Therefore, that is the meaning of the enlightenment on the brightest nature of Samsin(Primordial God) and the accomplishment of the virtue of heaven and earth.

-Translated on November 3, 2014-

사람과 만물이 다 같이 삼진(성품과 목숨과 정기)을 부여받았으나, 오직 사람만이 지상에 살면서 미혹되어 삼망이 뿌리를 내리고, 이 삼망이 삼진과 서로 작용하여 삼도의 변화작용을 짖게 되느니라. 삼진은 성품과 목숨과 정기이니, 사람은 이를 온전히 다 부여받았으나 만물은 치우치게 받았느니라.

참된 성품은 선하여 악함이 없으니, 상등철인은 이 본성자리를 통하고, 참 목숨은 맑아 흐림이 없으니, 중등 철인은 이 타고난 목숨의 경계자리를 깨닫고, 참 정기는 후덕하여 천박함이 없느니라. 하등 철인은 이 본연의 순수한 정기를 잘 수련하여 보호하느니라. 이 삼진을 잘 닦아 본연의 모습으로 돌아갈때 상제님의 조화세계에 들어갈 수 있느니라.

삼망은 마음과 기운과 몸이니라. 마음은 타고난 성품에 뿌리를 두지만 선과 악이 있으니, 마음이 선하면 복을 받고 악하면 화를 받느니라. 기는 타고난 삼신의 영원한 생명에 뿌리를 두지만 맑음과 탁함이 있으니, 기운이 맑으면 장수하고 혼탁하면 일찍 죽느니라. 몸은 정기에 뿌리를 두지만 후덕함과 천박함이 있으니, 자신의 정기를 잘 간직해 두텁게 하면 귀티가 나고, 정기를 소모시키면 천박해지느니라.

삼도는 느낌과 호흡과 촉감의 작용이니라. 이것이 다시 변화하여 열여덟 가지 경계를 이루나니, 느낌에는 기쁨과 두려움과 슬픔과 노여움과 탐욕과 싫어함이 있고, 호흡에는 향내와 숮내와 차가움과 더움과 마름과 젖음이 있고, 촉감에는 소리와 빛깔과 냄새와 맛과 음탕함과 살 닻음이 있느니라.

창생은 마음의 선악과 기운의 맑고 탁함과 몸의 후덕함과 찬박함이 서로 뒤섞인 경계의 길을 따라 제멋대로 달리다가, 나고 자라고 늙고 병들고 죽는 고통에 떨어지느니라. 그러나 철인은 감정을 절제하고 호흡을 고르게 하며, 촉감과 자극을 억제하여, 오직 한 뜻으로 매사를 행하고 삼망을 바로잡아 삼진으로 나아가 비로소 자신 속에 깃들어 있는 대신기를 발현시키나니, 삼신이 부여한 대광명의 성품을 깨닫고 그 공덕을 완수한다는 것은 이를 두고 하는 말이다.

人物 同受三眞 惟衆迷地 三妄着根
인물 동수삼진 유중미지 삼망착근
眞妄對 作三途 曰性命精 人全之物偏之
진망대 작삼도 왈성명정 인전지물편지

眞性善無惡 上哲通 眞命淸無濁 中哲知
진성선무악 상철통 진명청무탁 중철지
眞精厚無薄 下哲保 返眞一神
진정후무박 하철보 반진일신

曰心氣身 心依性 有善惡 善福惡禍
왈심기신 심의성 유선악 선복악화
氣依命有淸濁 淸壽濁妖 身依精有厚薄 厚貴薄賤
기의명유청탁 청수탁요 신의정유후박 후귀박천

曰感息觸 轉成十八境 感僖懼哀怒貪厭
왈감식촉 전성십팔경 감희구애노탐염
息芬寒熱震濕濕 觸聲色臭味淫抵
식분란한열진습 촉성색취미음저

衆善惡淸濁厚薄 相雜從境 途任走墜 生長消病歿苦
중선악청탁후박 상잡종경 도임주추 생장소병몰고
哲止感調息禁觸 一意化行 返妄卽眞發大神氣 性通功完是
철지감조식금촉 일의화행 반망즉진발대신기 성통공완시

Samilsingo (三一神誥 366 characters)-4

4. The teaching about World (世界訓: 72)

You people, look at the myriad stars scattered over the universe, the numbers are countless, the big and small, luminous and obscure, sufferings and pleasures are all different. One Spirit (Primordial God, or Sangjenim) built all sorts of these worlds, and commanded an envoy who is in charge of the solar world to govern 700 worlds. You look as if the earth itself is vast, but it is actually a world like a round pill. A mass ball of flames in the beginning which stores the power of creation and transformation burst and spread out, then it changed into the sea and transformed into the land, and finally it constituted all forms and appearances on earth. One Spirit (God of creative change) breathed out the qi and covered even the very bottom of ground, and warmed up the earth with sunlight and heat. Thereafter, all kinds of creatures which are moving on the ground, flying in the sky, transforming, and living in the water, and rooted into the ground have been propagated.

-Translated on November 2, 2014-

너 희들은 무수히 널려 있는 저 별들을 보아라. 그 수가 다함이 없나니, 크고 작음 밝음과 어둡고, 괴로움과 즐거움이 같지 않느니라. 상제님께서 뭇 세계를 지으시고, 그중에 태양 세계를 맡은 사자에게 명령을 내려 700 세계를 거느리게 하셨으니, 너희 땅 그 자체는 큰 것처럼 보이나, 하나의 둥근 환약만 한 세계이니라. 조화를 간직한 태초의 불덩어리가 터지고 퍼져서 바다로 변하고 육지가 되어 마침내 드러난 형상을 이루었느니라. 우주의 조화신이 기운을 불어 밑동까지 싸고, 태양의 빛과 열을 쬐니, 땅 위를 다니고, 하늘을 날고, 탈바꿈하고, 물속에서 살고, 땅에 뿌리내린 온갖 생물이 번식하였느니라.

爾觀森列星辰 數無盡 大小 明暗 苦樂 不同
이관삼열성진 수무진 대소 명암 고락 부동
一神 造群世界 神 勅日世界使者 轄七百世界
일신 조군세계 신 칙일세계사자 할칠백세계
爾地自大 一丸世界 中火震盪 海幻陸遷 乃成見象
이지자대 일환세계 중화진탕 해환육천 내성현상
神 呵氣包底 煦日色熱 行저化遊栽 物 繁殖
신 가기포전 후일색열 행저화유재 물 번식

Samilsingo (三一神誥 366 characters)-3

3. The teaching about Heavenly Palace (天宮訓: 40)

Heaven is a nation of Heavenly God (Sangjenim), in the nation exists a heavenly palace, where with all kinds of goodness built the door stones and with all kinds of virtues made the doors. It is the place where the Supreme God (Sangjenim) resides and all divine spirits and great sages always protect and serve Him. Therefore, it is the most auspicious and the most brilliant place. Only those who enlightened on their true nature and accomplished their virtues of the heaven and earth can enter the place and enjoy the eternal pleasures.

-Translated on November 1, 2014-

하 늘은 상제님이 계시는 신의 나라이니라. 여기에 천상의 궁전이 있어 온갖 선으로 섬돌을 쌓고, 온갖 덕으로 문을 삼으니, 한 분 상제님이 임어하여 계신 곳이요, 뭇 신령과 철인이 모시고 있어, 크게 길하고 상서롭고 크게 광명한 곳이라. 오직 본성에 통하고, 천지에 공덕을 완수한 자라야 이곳에 들어와 영원한 즐거움을 얻으리라.

天神國 有天宮 階萬善 門萬德 一神攸居 群靈諸哲護侍 大吉祥
천신국 유천궁 계만선 문만덕 일신유거 군령제철호시 대길상
大光明處 唯性通功完者 朝 永得快樂
대광명처 유성통공완자 조 영득쾌락

Samilsingo (三一神誥 366 characters)-2

2. The teaching about Spirit (神訓- 一神: One Spirit; 51)

Heavenly Emperor resides at the highest position in Heaven. With the great virtue, profound wisdom, and boundless power of creative change, He creates heaven and controls over the entire universe. Though God creates the countless things, He never misses even a single mote and is illimitably bright and numinous, so how dare to express Him with limited human words? When you sincerely pray with the voice and chi, you will surely get the chance to pay your direct respect to Him (see directly Him). However, seek the seed of truth within your innate nature, and then the Holy Spirit of God shall descend upon your head.

-Translated on Oct. 31, 2014-

상제님 (하느님)은 위 없는 으뜸 자리에 계시어 큰 덕과 위대한 지혜와 무한한 창조력으로 하늘을 생겨나게 하시고, 헤아릴 수 없이 많은 세계를 주재하시느니라. 많고 많은 것을 지으시되 티끌만 한 것도 빠뜨림이 없고, 무한히 밝고 신령하시어 감히 이름 지어 헤아릴 수 없느니라. 상제님의 음성을 듣고 기운을 받고자 간절히 기도하여라. 그리하면 반드시 친견할 수 있으리라. 너의 타고난 삼신의 본성에서 진리의 열매(씨)를 구하여라. 그러면 상제님의 성령이 너희 머리에 내려 오시리라.

神在無上一位 有大德大慧大力 生天 主無數世界 造甡甡物
신재무상일위 유대덕대혜대력 생천 주무수세계 조신신물
纖塵無漏 昭昭靈靈 不敢名量 聲氣願禱 絶親見 子性求子 降在爾腦
섬진무루 소소령령 불감명량 성기원도 절친견 자성구자 강재이뇌

Samilsingo (三一神誥 366 characters)-1

1. The teaching about Heaven (天訓- 虛空: Voidness; 36)

Heavenly Emperor proclaimed; You, five tribes and all people, Listen! The thing that looks like blue and azure in the sky is not Heaven. The thing that is distant and faraway is not Heaven. The heaven has no form and foundation, no beginning and no ending, no top and no bottom, no four directions of east, south, west and north as well. Since there is void in and out of Heaven, there is nowhere Heaven cannot exist, and there is nothing It cannot embrace.

-Translated on Oct. 31, 2014-

천 제께서 이르시되, 너희 오가와 백성들아! 저 푸르고 푸른 것이 하늘이 아니며, 저 아득하고 아득한 것도 하늘이 아니다. 하늘은 형체와 바탕이 없고, 처음과 끝도 없으며, 위아래와 동서남북도 없느니라. 또한 겉도 비고 속도 비어서 있지 않은 곳이 없고, 감싸지 않는 바가 없느니라.

帝曰 爾五加衆 蒼蒼非天 玄玄非天 天無形質 無端倪
제왈 이오가중 창창비천 현현비천 천무형질 무단예
無上下四方 虛虛空空 無不在 無不容
무상하사방 허허공공 무부재 무불용

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

God as number zero and ten

What is God? God is the creator and ruler of the universe and source of all moral authority; the Supreme Being. (In Christianity and other monotheistic religions) based on Oxford dictionary.

What is the creator? God,,, then, where the God came from? Nothing,,, then, shouldn't the Nothing be the first creator? or God alone exist eternally regardless time? That sounds again the character of Nothing though,,, If the first mover is said to have the physical form, that sounds nonsense. So, God is faceless, energy form, universal consciousness, or principle; the first mover and the source of all creation; Samsin (One spirit with three different functions; the primordial God (number 0, zero).

And, who is the supreme ruler in the white throne? God,,, does He has His spiritual body and face? Does He look like a supreme emperor who orders to all other spirits or angels? Does He directly communicate with other gods to rule over the world properly? Does He send His sons and all sages to guide people properly? Does He rule over all spiritual beings and angels in Heaven? That is the ruling God; Sangjenim; the Emperor in Heaven (number 10, ten)

People should understand this two different identities of God to clear out so much confusion and misunderstanding. There is a primordial God who creates all in this universe being oneness with principle itself from the beginning. There is a highest ruler, the ruling God, Samsin Sangjenim who rules over all in this universe later becoming oneness with the primordial God. And there are so many deities and spiritual beings or angels who also guide and assist humans. This universe is full of spirits.

And the highest ruler cannot be two or more than two.: What will happen there are two or more than two fathers in a family; two or more than two leaders in an organization; two or more than two presidents in a country; two or more than two emperors in a dynasty; two or more than two suns in heaven? That will be surely disastrous. In the end, all shall be unified under Him. So, find out who is the genuine God with your all sincerity.

Cheonbugyeong [天符經]

Cheonbugyeong [天符經]
-The sacred words corresponding to heavenly principle-

ONE emerged from Nil-zero, begins ONE,
which splits into Triune Ultimate yet undiminishes the Origin.

Heaven’s Monad First, Earth’s Monad Second, Human’s Monad Third,
Monad mounts up to Decad then descends.

No deficiency due to the harmony of Triune,
Heaven’s Dyad Triune, Earth’s Dyad Triune, Human’s Dyad Triune,

The great Triune united together brings Sextet,
which yields Heptad, Octad, and Ennead.

Heavenly movement proceeds with Triad and Tetrad,
and completes the cycle with Pentad and Heptad.

The Monad, subtle and pervasive, countlessly circulates,
the function transforms to be the immovable substance.

Origin is the mind rooted in the sun, that illuminates utterly.
In Human; the center of heaven and earth, is the greatest Monad.
ONE returned to Nil-ten, completes ONE.

-9th revision on September 03, 2014-
          Personal translation based on the teachings of His holiness Jongdosanim of Jeungsando.

A Warning About False Dharma

[A Warning About False Dharma]

One day, while performing a work of renewal, Sangjenim wrote:

A person without compassion, do not go near.
Compassion without justice, do not go near.
Justice without a worthy gathering, do not go near.
A worthy gathering without destiny, do not go near.
Destiny without unconstrainedness, do not go near.
Unconstrainedness without resplendence, do not go near.
Resplendence without greatness and comfort, do not go near.
Greatness and comfort without true dao lineage, do not go near.

非人情 不可近
非情義 不可近
非義會 不可近
非會運 不可近
非運通 不可近
非通靈 不可近
非靈泰 不可近
非泰統 不可近

Sangjenim declared to Gong-sin, "Death ensues when the pulse ceases, so you must correctly identify and preserve the source."

-JSD Dojeon 8:49-

Those Who Practice Dao

[Those Who Practice Dao and Those Who Do Not]

Sangjenim revealed, "When one devotedly practices dao, the essence of the soul becomes densely concentrated. When such practitioners ascend to heaven after death, their souls never disperse. However, when one does not practice dao, the essence of the soul eventually dissipates into nothingness like mere smoke."

[The Life Span of Sangjenim's Holy Spirit]

A disciple asked Sangjenim, "How long will be the span of my life?"
"You will live ten thousand years," Sangjenim answered.
The deciple then asked, " long will be the span of Your life, Sangjenim?"
"I journey together with heaven and earth."

-JSD Dojeon 9:29-

Friday, August 22, 2014

A pond state (澤國)

A pond state (Taekguk, 澤國)

A man's caliber should be wide and spacious.
Caliber (Scale, saying large caliber or big bowl),
Why would I say this pond state (澤國) to you, the Taekguk;
Pond taek(澤) and state guk(國), Taekguk.
The great pond, embankment (water embankment), the big embankment is called taekguk.
Why is it called taekguk; pond state?
The plants in the water is called soocho(水草), water soo(水), plant cho(草).
In an embankment, there are some water plants,
and there may be some lotus and small minnows,
also some water shrimps called Saebaengyi,
some chirognomy species and mayflies, and water snakes,
also some kind of tadpoles and flogs,
and various kinds of things exist in the pond.
The big embankment is able to accommodate them all;
hundred kinds of plants, hundred kinds of animals, bugs and insects,,,
It accommodates them all and that's way it is called Taekguk (澤國).
Although it is small, but called a pond state.
When we say a state, there are someone who has their family name Kim, Lee, Park, Choi, and all types of others.
There are some bad guys who even killed his father, and good one who serves his parents well,
the thieves, robbers, gangsters, and also other good ones as well.
Doesn't the state accommodate all of the goods and evils?
People should have such broad-mindedness like Taekguk (澤國).
Doesn't the pond embrace them all? Roundly and roundly,, peacefully and amicably,,,
But it doesn't mean that you should be a mugolhoin (無骨好人) which means an excessively good-natured person without any bone. People must be broad-minded but also have their bones (backbone or integrity)

-From the book 'Spring Birth Autumn Death' by His Holiness, Taesangjongdosanim of Jeungsando-


사람은 국이 널찍널찍~ 해야 한다.
국(기국, 국량이 크다, 그릇이 크다)
내가 오죽 하면 택국(澤國) 얘기를 하겠는가, 택국.
못 택 자, 나라 국 자. 택국.
큰 못, 방죽(물방죽)도 방죽 나름이지, 큰~ 방죽을 택국이라고 그런다.
왜 못을 택국이라구 하느냐~ 하면은,
물에서 사는 그걸 수초(水草)라고 그런다, 물 수 자, 풀 초 자.
방죽에는 그 수초도 있고,
연꽃도 있을 수 있고. 또 쪼그만 송사리도 있고,
새뱅이라고? 물새우 그런 것도 있고,
깔따귀도 있고 하루살이도 있고, 배암(뱀)도 있고,
무슨 올챙이 새끼도 있고
개구리도 있고 별의별 게 다 있다.
큰 방죽은 그걸 다 수용을 한다.
백가지 풀, 백가지 동물, 미물곤충 다~ 수용을 한다 이 말이다.
아 그래서 택국, 비록 작지만 ‘연못·나라다~’ 한다.
한 나라라고 할 것 같으면
김가 이가 박가 최가, 별스런 거,
애비 죽인 나쁜 놈, 효도하는 사람, 다 그 나라 가운데 있고,
도둑놈도 있고 강도도 있고, 뭐 좋은 사람도 있고,
선악을 모두 다 수용 하지 않는가.
사람은 택국 모냥 포용력 이 있어야 한다.
못은 다 수용하잖는가? 둥글둥글~ 하면서 말이다.
그렇다고 해서 무골호인(無骨好人), 뼈 없는 좋은 사람이 되라는 것도 아니다.
사람은 포용력이 있으면서도 규모(기개,절개) 가 있어야 한다.


Thursday, August 21, 2014


陰符經 [Eumbugyeong or Yinfujing]

[上篇, Volume 1st of 3]

Observe the Way of Heaven and hold the movements of Heaven, that is the utmost. There are five phases in Heaven and those who perceive them shall flourish. The five thieves dwell in the mind, widely utilize them in Heaven. Then, the universe shall be within ones palms, and myriads of creative changes shall occur in ones Body (). The nature of Heaven is Human and the Human mind is the source [] of all creative changes. After the establishment of the Way of Heaven, the way of Human shall be settled. When Heaven releases the destructive qi [], the stars and constellations shall leave out of their orbits. When Earth emits the deadly qi [], the dragons and snakes shall climb up onto the land. When Human expresses the lethal qi [], the Heaven and Earth shall be turned upside down. When Heaven and Human work together, the myriads of creative changes shall be settled on the firm basis. In the nature are both dexterity and clumsiness which could be degraded or hided. The evils of nine orifices are in three pivots; [ear, eye, mouth] which could be kept active or still. The fire is generated from the wood, so the calamity that arises certainly ceases down. Though the traitors appear in the nation, when the time changes, they are definitely demolished. Thus, the one who knows this and cultivates himself is called a Sage.

[中篇, Volume 2nd of 3]

Heaven begets life and Heaven terminates it, that is the principle of Dao. Heaven and Earth are the thieves to harm all beings, all beings are the thieves to harm Humans, and Humans are the thieves to harm all beings. When the three thieves are harmoniously balanced, the three foundations; Heaven, Earth, Humanity shall be peaceful. Therefore it is said: Have a meal in its proper time, then hundreds of bones shall follow the principle. Mobilize the source [] according to the principle, then the myriads of creative changes shall be stabilized. People apprehend the divinity of manifested spirits, but they do not fathom the numen of non-manifested spirits. Sun and Moon have their exact numbers of degree to run, and the big and small of all things are already fixed. (Thus, the movements of sun and moon and the scale of all things should be followed by the destined program.) The virtue of a Sage and the brightness of spirits come from this fulfillment. Nobody under Heaven could perceive and notify a thief of the mysterious source []. Thus, the superior gains this shall firmly keep it amid poverty, but the inferior gains this shall take it lightly to impair his life.

[下篇, Volume 3rd of 3]

A blind is good at hearing; a deaf is good at seeing. Cut off the benefit of one branch from the root, then the divine usage shall be ten times stronger. Repeat the circulation of day and night for three days with ceaseless concentration, then the divine usage shall be ten thousand times stronger. The mind arises from materials and dies in materials, so the source [] is in the EYE. Heaven and Earth seem to have no benevolence, but the great benevolence comes from Them. With the swift thunders and fierce winds, nothing could be still without a movement. The ultimate bliss nourishes the generous character; the ultimate tranquility nurtures the rectitude character. Heaven and Earth seem to be utmost private but their employments are most impartial. It is the subtle qi () that capture and control the flying bird. Life is the root of death, and death is the root of life. The benevolence comes from the harmfulness, and the harmfulness comes from the benevolence. A fool considers the principle is sacred because of the writings of Heaven and Earth, but I consider the principle is holy due to the reason of 'things created on their proper time'. People seek the sacred with the foolish and danger, but I seek the sacred with wise and comfort. People expect the sacred from the bizarreness, but I expect the sacred from the commonness. Thus, it is said that people sink into the water and fall into the fire by themselves following the way to ruin. The Dao of Nature is tranquil, from which Heaven, Earth and myriads of beings are created. The Dao of Heaven and Earth is immersed, for which Yin and Yang rise to compete each other. Yin and Yang mutually interact each other, therefore the creative changes become smooth. A Sage who knows the Dao of Nature shall not violate it rather control things with it. The utmost tranquil Dao is similar to a coming principle of calendar; nobody could perceive it. However, thereupon is an extraordinary container [] from which myriads of phenomena [象] spring up. The eight trigrams and sixty cycle of gabja, 八卦甲子 is the secretly hidden source [] of creative changes and the mysteries of Yin and Yang's mutual competition. It illuminates clearly and clearly and more obviously, that is the image [象].

*五賊 (five thieves) is another name of 五行 (five phases or elements)
*身 (Body) has its meaning in two levels; Celestial Body and Human body.
*機 (Foundation) is utilized with various expressions here; mind, source, qi since the mind is the source of all creation and qi arises from this foundation.

As the master Lee, Ok-po mentioned in [Yeongbogug-jeongjeong-jibeob (靈寶局定靜之法)], the canon "Eumbugyeong or Yinfujing (陰符經)" has been highly valued in Daoism from the ancient. There is no established theory about the source and author of this canon. This scripture has been conveyed as a secret text on the sly from the ancient time. Eumbugyeong or Yinfujing (陰符經) known as [Samhwang-Oggyeol-Eumbugyeong, 三皇玉訣陰符經] was given to Huangdi (黃帝), Heonwon; the Yellow Emperor by the master Jabu Seonin (紫府仙人) in the era of Jaoji Hwanung (BCE 2707-2598), Baedal Dynasty.

The master Jabu Seonin (紫府仙人) is a descendant of Balgwili Seonin 仙人 who was an alumni of the great Bokhui, Fuxi. Therefore, it is possible to assume that Eumbugyeong contains the core spirit of Singyo (神敎; spirit teaching). It is highly recommendable to read this text. (Though it is assumed that the original text of this scripture has been quite diminished and adapted as the time passed on)

However, It is well known that Huangdi (黃帝) Heonwon; the Yellow Emperor is the author of 'Yinfujing which contains the core secret of Heaven'in the world and the scripture had been conveyed to Jiang Ziya (姜太公), Guiguzi (鬼谷子), Zhuge Liang (諸葛亮) and Kou Qianzhi (寇謙之) but it was hidden in the mountain Sungsan (崇山) by the daoist Kou Qianzhi (寇謙之) because he could not find the proper person to convey after. And it is around Tang dynasty that this book was known to the world because Li Quan (李筌) put the comments on this scripture. Several various scriptures currently have been conveyed after numerous people put the commentaries.

-Roughly translated on Aug. 22, 2014-


觀天之道 執天之行 盡矣
天有五賊 見之者昌
五賊在心 施行于天
宇宙在乎手 萬化生乎身
天性人也 人心機也
立天之道 以定人也
天發殺機 移星易宿
地發殺機 龍蛇起陸
人發殺機 天地反覆
天人合發 萬化定基
性有巧拙 可以伏藏
九竅之邪 在乎三要 可以動靜
火生于木 禍發必剋
姦生于國 時動必潰
知之修鍊 謂之聖人


天生天殺 道之理也
天地萬物之盜 萬物人之盜
三盜旣宜 三才旣安
故曰食其時 百骸理
日月有數 大小有定
聖功生焉 神明出焉
其盜機也 天下莫能見 莫能知
君子得之固窮 小人得之輕命


瞽者善聽 聾者善視
絶利一源 用師十倍
三返晝夜 用師萬倍
心生于物 死於物 機在目
天地无恩 而大恩生
迅雷烈風 莫不蠢然
至樂性餘 至靜性廉
天地至私 用之至公
生者死之根 死者生之根
恩生于害 害生于恩
人以愚虞聖 我以不愚虞聖
人以奇期聖 我以不奇期聖
故曰沈水入火 自取滅亡
自然之道靜 故天地萬物生
天地之道浸 故陰陽勝
陰陽相推而 變化順矣
是故聖人知 自然之道
至靜之道 律曆所不能契
爰有奇器 是生萬象
八卦甲子 神機鬼藏 陰陽相勝之術
昭昭乎 進乎

Thursday, July 17, 2014

Honheo ipjin (混虛入眞)

There is one expression 'Honheo ipjin (混虛入眞) which summarizes all methods of mind cultivation. Honheo (混虛) is called the state of nothingness in both the tangible and intangible, it is the state of no color or no light to the eyes. 'Through this state of consciousness, Honheo (混虛), we will enter () the realm of truth ().' That is the 'Honheo ipjin (混虛入眞)'. However, you should not force yourself artificially to enter () the realm of truth (). Once your study is mature enough then, you will naturally enter this state of truth (入眞).

The longer you do meditate, the lesser the worldly thoughts appear. Ten thoughts will be reduced to nine, eight, five, three, two, and eventually the worldly thoughts will be totally vanished. Through such process, you could enter the state of oneness with the nature. When you do meditate continuously within such state, you will eventually attain the state of 'Manghyung mangje (忘形忘在)'; forgetting your form, forgetting your existence.

You will totally lose the awareness of yourself; both your existence and non-existence in this universe. 'you will even forget what you are doing in your position.' - That state of consciousness is called as Honheo (混虛) in which you will indeed enter () the realm of truth (). That is the meaning of 'Honheo ipjin (混虛入眞)'.

-From the lecture of His Holiness Jongdosanim of Jeungsando on 1440716-

-Roughly translated on July 17, 2014-

Monday, July 14, 2014

Will You Follow Me, Even Through Water and Fire?

[Will You Follow Me, Even Through Water and Fire?]

On November 22, Taemonim asked the disciples, "Will you follow Me, even through water and fire?" The disciples pledged that they would. While making an offering of wine during a chiseong early in the morning of the twenty-fifth, Taemonim asked the disciples, "How many drops of wine have fallen on the table?"

They counted and told Her, "Twenty-three." She asked them again, and when they counted the second time, they found twenty-four.

When they told Her how many there were, She said, "It should be so."

[Taemonim Is Detained by the Police]

In those days, scandalous events beset Cha Gyeong-seok's organization every day, prompting constant surveillance by the regional police, which eventually led to the arrest of eighteen senior organization officials, including Cha Yun-chil, and their severe torture at the police station in Mokpo. At that time, Yi Sang-ho of Gyeong-seok's organization took the lead in resolving the incident and blamed everything on Taemonim. 

The police subsequently set out for Jojong-ri Village to arrest Her. On October 25, around noon, the policemen arrived in the village and questioned Gang Sa-seong about Taemonim's whereabouts. Alarmed, Eung-chil rushed to Taemonim and urged Her, "There is certain to be trouble. Please hide for a while."

"Why should I flee whatever comes My way?" Taemonim replied. Then, She took a sheet of paper bearing a talisman for expelling harm, and She wrote on it the Haemaju Mantra. "I already knew of this, but I must accept what is to come without reservation to prevent repercussions," said Taemonim as She sat in serenity. 

"Hiding is out of the question." Soon, the police came and asked for Taemonim. From inside, She called out for the followers to lead the police to Her. She and the policemen exchanged a few words and then, with Eung-chil, they all left for the Mokpo Police Station.

-JSD Dojeon 11:35-

[Persecution by Jang Hyo-sun]

On January 15, 1904, Sangjenim lay down half-asleep after drinking some rice wine. The young son of a man named Jang Heung-hae suddenly became critically ill and neared death, and the child's grandfather, Jang Hyo-sun, rushed to Sangjenim and begged Him to cure his grandson. Still lying on His back, Sangjenim replied, "Give the child some fresh, cold water to drink."

When Hyo-sun did as instructed, the child suddenly died. Hyo-sun, who was nicknamed 'The Tempestuous' because of his violent temper, grew enraged and conceived a grudge against Sangjenim, declaring, "My grandchild is dead because He instructed me to give the child the wrong prescription. I have seen one touch of His hand revive a dead man and one word from His mouth cure someone on the verge of death, so He must have killed my grandchild willfully. With that man's extraordinary dao mastery, a handful of earth, let alone a glass of water, could have cured the child."

Hyo-sun captured Sangjenim, bound His hands behind His back, and dragged Him toward the local officials' quarters. On the way, Hyo-sun, seeming to regret his action, unexpectedly untied Sangjenim and said, "I am the one at fault here. The child simply died of a sudden illness. How can I blame You?" Desiring to once again be on good terms with Sangjenim, Hyo-sun invited Him to stay at his house. Sangjenim declined the offer and went to stay at Seo Won-gyu's house, and the next day, He continued onward to Yi Jik-bu's house.

That day, Hyo-sun went to Won-gyu's house, expecting to find Sangjenim there, and he grew enraged when he discovered that Sangjenim had gone. "The murderer has escaped!" Hyo-sun roared in fury and then began searching for Sangjenim everywhere.

-JSD Dojeon 3: 44-

[The Suffering of Sangjenim's Family]

Knowing that Sangjenim's family had recently moved into a small room in Hwajeong-ri Village in Jeonju County, Hyo-sun and his family decided to travel there and cause an uproar. Sangjenim had gone to Jeonju and asked His father's concubine to brew some rice wine. Before He left, He repeatedly said to her, "No one should taste this wine."

But when the Sacred Father came home, the concubine forgot what she had been told and offered him a bowl of the rice wine. Before long, Sangjenim returned home and discovered that someone had been drinking the rice wine.

"Who drank this rice wine?"
"Your mother," the concubine lied.

"Disaster approaches," Sangjenim warned. "Flee from this place immediately!" And Sangjenim Himself then left the house.

A short time later, Hyo-sun and his family burst into the house. They made the Sacred Mother kneel down and violently beat her until she was soaked with blood. Suddenly, an old man with white hair entered the house and rebuked the intruders, "Of what transgression is this woman guilty? How can you beat her for the actions of her son?" These words drove Hyo-sun and his family away.

Later, Sangjenim returned to visit His mother and learned what had taken place. He said to her, "Crush some raw foxglove and apply it to your wounds." She did so and completely recovered within a day.

The trouble caused by Hyo-sun's family forced Sangjenim's family to flee to Gulchi Village in Taein County.

-JSD Dojeon 3: 45-

[Sangjenim Accepts the Qi of Strife to Dissolve It]

Meanwhile, unaware of the uproar that Hyo-sun was causing, Hyeong-ryeol went to Hwajeong-ri Village to seek out news of Sangjenim. Hyo-sun's family promptly captured Hyeong-ryeol, bound him, and took him to Won-gyu's house, where they tried to coerce him into revealing Sangjenim's whereabouts. Unable to obtain any information from Hyeong-ryeol, they became enraged and beat both him and Won-gyu. It was not until late at night that Hyeong-ryeol escaped.

Unable to tolerate the harassment occurring day after day, Won-gyu closed his herbal medicine shop and took his family to hide in Iksan County.

The campaign of persecution by Hyo-sun caused Hyeong-ryeol to lose track of the whereabouts of Sangjenim and His family, and Hyeong-ryeol searched for them everywhere. Eventually, he found Gap-chil in Gobu County, and Gap-chil told him that Sangjenim was staying in a small farmhouse at the foot of Duseungsan Mountain. Hyeong-ryeol immediately visited Sangjenim and returned home after arranging to meet again.

One day, a disciple asked Sangjenim, "You have limitless power, so why did You tolerate Jang Hyo-sun's persecution?"

Sangjenim explained, "Strife within the family of dao or within your own family brings about disorder in the governance of the spirit realm, and such strife, left unchecked, would lead to mighty disasters worldwide. So I, Myself, embraced the qi of strife to dissolve it. It is for these reasons that I have always counseled you to insist on peace."

-JSD Dojeon 3: 46-

[Jang Hyo-sun's Death]

In June, Sangjenim visited Hyeong-ryeol and told him, "Go to Gim Byeong-uk in Jeonju County and arrange for him to visit Me later." Carrying out Sangjenim's order, Hyeong-ryeol made an appointment for Byeong-uk to see Sangjenim the following night. On his way back, he heard that Jang Hyo-sun had died.

When Hyeong-ryeol arrived home, he informed Sangjenim about the appointment and Hyo-sun's death, adding, "That man should have died at our hands. It is a shame that he died of natural causes. How can we say that heaven is just?"

"What are you saying? The dead are to be pitied." Sangjenim remonstrated. "Everyone's fortune or misfortune, superiority or inferiority, strength or weakness all depends upon their mind."

The next day, instead of seeing Byeong-uk, Sangjenim left for Gobu County with Hyeong-ryeol. Hyeong-ryeol thought it strange for Sangjenim to break His appointment and inquired about the reason for this, but Sangjenim simply laughed without replying.

-JSD Dojeon 3: 51-

[The Power of the Taeeulju and Unjangju Mantras]

One day, Sangjenim revealed to the disciples, "I have tested the Taeeulju Mantra and the Unjangju Mantra. Chant them repeatedly. Gim Byeong-uk's tribulation was resolved by the Taeeulju Mantra, and the Jang Hyo-sun's uproar was resolved by the Unjangju Mantra. The Taeeulju Mantra will open the prison gate even if you have committed treason, and the Unjangju Mantra will open the prison gate even if you are convicted of murder."