Sunday, June 22, 2014

The Mandate of Heaven

◉ The universe is run by Sangjenim's heavenly mandate (天命).
- Be conscious of the world of Myeong 命 (生命 life, 天命 heavenly mandate).

Sangjenim issues the heavenly mandates to the spirits and humans. And the universe is also run by Sangjenim
's mandates. When Sangjenim commends to stop the operation of sun, moon and earth, they just stop their movements. Why? All things in this universe are controlled by the way of spirits. Sangjenim said even the sun moves its way according to His command.

"The sun and moon move at My command." (4:111)

What is the most important thing here? One character, that is Myeong 命 (life or command). We'll be enlightened about the world of Myeong 命. We will be fully conscious of the world of Myeong 命 in the Later Heaven. What is the Myeong 命 then? The nature of humanity is the life (生命). When the thread of life is disconnected, everything would be ended. And there will be a day for our life to be ended. That is the finite life. However, the real purpose of our human life is to break down the wall of this finite human life and go beyond for the eternal life. That is the very reason why we are born in this world.

(Part of the Lecture from His Holiness Jeungsando Jongdosanim)

-Roughly translated on June 19-


God is the top commander of all spirits including nature and human spirits. Myeong 命 of Chinese character strangely has two major different meaning which is life 生命 and mandate 天命. People may not understand the connection between life and mandate but there seems to be deep connection between. If our heavenly mandates are finished, our life span will be ended.

We are born here to accomplish the heavenly mandates which was given to each of us. And when we accomplish it well, Heaven will allow us to attain the immortality, the infinite life in this universal transition time (Autumn Gaebyeok or Later Heaven Gaebyeok).

Wiki: The Mandate of Heaven (天命) is an ancient Chinese belief and philosophical idea that heaven (天; Tian) granted emperors the right to rule based on their ability to govern well and fairly. According to this belief, heaven bestows its mandate to a just ruler, the Son of Heaven (天子), and withdraws it from a despotic ruler, leading to the overthrow of that ruler. The Mandate of Heaven would then transfer to those who would rule best. The fact that a ruler was overthrown was taken by itself as an indication that the ruler had lost the Mandate of Heaven.

The Mandate of Heaven

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