Sunday, June 22, 2014

The holistic and seasonable truth

[Truth should be holistic and seasonable]

“To know the truth partially is to distort the Universe. 

For example, the savage who can only count up to ten enormously exaggerates the importance of the small numbers, and so do we whose imaginations fail when we come to millions. It is an erroneous moral platitude, that it is necessarily good to know the truth. 

The minor truth may beget the major evil. And this major evil may take the form of the major error. 

Henri Poincare points out that the instruments of precision, used unseasonably, may hinder the advance of science. 

For example, if Newton’s imagination had been dominated by the errors in Kepler’s Laws as disclosed by modern observation, the world might still be waiting for the Law of Gravitation. 

The Truth must be seasonable.” 


Then, what is truth?

Truth is a qualification which applies to Appearance alone. 
 Reality is just itself, and it is nonsense to ask whether it be true of false. 

Truth is the conformation of Appearance to Reality. This conformation may be more or less, also direct or indirect. Thus Truth is a generic quality with a variety of degrees and modes. In the Law-Courts, the wrong species of Truth may amount to perjury. 

For example, a portrait may be so faithful as to deceive the eye. Its very truthfulness then amounts to deception. A reflection in a mirror is at once a truthful appearance and a deceptive appearance. 

The smile of a hypocrite is deceptive, and that of a philanthropist may be truthful. But both of them were truly smiling.

-from: Adventures of Ideas by Whitehead-

What is the main reason for our humanity to face this kind of conflicts and problems in this time and yet cannot solve or even not to understand the core reason of all these problems though we have lots of religious, spiritual, and even scientific teachings, wisdoms and great information which they claim are all true?

My answer is that all of their so called "truth" so far may not be holistic and seasonable at all. Every thing in this universe is continuously changing and progressing except one thing which is the very rule of change itself.

So, we need the new story which can show us the holistic, timely and seasonable truth.
Jeungsando is the truth of Autumn; most holistic, seasonable and timely in this transition time.

[New Heads for the Great Teachings]

"Immortalism, Buddhism, Confucianism, and the Dao of the West are the basis of many of the world's cultures. I now appoint Choe Su-un as the head of Immortalism, Jin-muk as the head of Buddhism, Zhu Xi as the head of Confucianism, and Matteo Ricci as the head of the Dao of the West."

"These new heads will gather together the essence of each tradition and lead the preeminent spirits of all teachings and the spirits of civilizations in extracting the essence of the many different cultures and uniting them all into one. I now unite the three daos: Buddhism, which edifies form and substance; Immortalism, which edifies creative change; Confucianism, which edifies decorum. I now extract the marrow of Buddhism, Immortalism, and Confucianism and infuse them within Immortalism."

-JSD Dojeon 4:16-


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