Saturday, June 28, 2014

Four Season's Spirits

[Four Season's Spirits]

When the Blue Dragon soars up to the sky,
Seedlings start to sprout upon the earth,
Colouring the fields with shades of green
By the wood-Three and Eight,
Early birds twittering around the trees
With their song of pure love
Greeting the Spring Goddess

When the Red Phoenix dances around the clouds,
The Summer Goddess hastens the wheel of time
In its spinning, the warrior goes to battle
After the fire-Two and Seven,
The winner’s labour rewarded by sweat of sun
Yet deadly ashes of her bitterness and grief remains

When the White Tiger assumes a majestic stance,
Its prey is the unformed, the weak, and the immature
The matured ones return to the origin;
To their inner valley with wise and enlightened
Through the metal-Four and Nine,
Autumn winds sweep away the fallen leaves for the new
This is the destiny of the fall for its maturity
The noble justice of the Autumn Goddess

When the Black Turtle-snake coils up in its cave
All life forces are laid to rest
Deep in hibernation for the next cycle
With the water-One and Six,
Stillness subsides to the origin
As the moon casts a shadow on a tranquil lake,
The Winter Goddess rests

July 7, 2011

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