Monday, June 23, 2014

The era of spirituality

[The era of spirituality is approaching]

The spirituality is actually the soul itself. The sensibility is about the holistic spiritual cognition, the border of consciousness by which we feel other things. And when we calculate the things with rational reasoning is regarded as a function of rationality. So, the entire space of human consciousness itself is the spirituality. And when this space connects to the outside things, the sensibility and rationality will secondarily appear.

If the spirituality is considered as an entire space of the universal consciousness, the sensibility could be considered as waves of the consciousness resulted from interacting with the other things outside. And the rationality could be taken as a subjective mental function like judgement or thought of the self on the center of the consciousness. Thus, the core root of our human consciousness is the spirituality.


The left and right wings of spirituality typically functioning like Yin and Yang are the rationality and sensibility respectively. So, if people cannot open their spirituality, their life will be ended just as a human animal. However, when people widely open their spirituality through chanting Taeeulju mantra, they will recognize there is a fundamentally inherent Spirit of the Creator in this universe.

The boundaries of consciousness are all spirituality, when the spirituality is properly connected to the outside things, the mind will be thrilled, but if the things do not meet the level of human spirituality, it cannot touch our mind with such great impression. The logical thought or judgment of the spirituality is the function of rationality. The spirituality itself is an infinite space of the universe from which the emotional waves appear. And the archetypal culture is actually all about the culture of the spirituality. The ancient document such as Chunbugyung is a document of the enlightenment.

When we break down the wall of suppressing our spirituality and widely opened it, we could make a successful work of art which can inspire people with a great impression for a long time. So, the spirituality is about unlocking our restrained soul and our soul should be constantly inspired. With such sense of spirituality, we can manage our life for enlightening the spirituality, and based on that awakened spirituality, we could create the great masterpieces in each field.

In order to become a global leader in each field, one must maintain a clear mind, and the most common investment for such clear mind is the culture of spirituality. The spirituality culture is the key point for the success or failure in each field. Some of spirituality culture includes first meditation, stretching, and exercises etc., without the basis of such spirituality culture, one can not last long in the creative field.

The prominent global CEOs are mostly investing their major efforts for brightening their mind and enlightening their spirituality. They do yoga or take a walk regularly with their own method. In conclusion, As a Jeungsando practitioner, chant Taeeulju mantra as much as possible. You have the wish fulfilling jewel, Taeeulju mantra. The creative power of the universe is in your hands. Pro-actively utilize it. We should create the great cultural products based on the spirituality.

-From a part of His Holiness Jeungsando Jongdosanim's lectures-

-Roughly translated on June 13, 2014-

There is a true Big Self behind all our individual small selves; and there is a pure Mind behind all our individual clouded minds. But the true Self and pure Mind is not different or separated from our individual selves and minds. It seems like the Sky without any cloud and the sky with clouds; the Ocean without any wave and the ocean with waves.

The sky without and with clouds are same and the ocean without and with waves are also same. So, when we remove all the clouds and cease down all waves in our individual minds, we will truly see the true Self and pure Mind. And that is the work of meditation; recovering our holistic consciousness, the spirituality

Therefore when we are firmly grounded in the true Self and the pure Mind, we are not fluctuated by any outside turbulences even though we are keen to aware all those negative events outside, because we deeply understand those are all temporal and we also are able to prepare ourselves for the any possible situation and interact with those critical situations in proper manner with dao mind (the way of heaven and earth).

This is the teaching of Eastern Studies. Do not just simply avoid all outside negative issues for maintaining yourself in the illusionary peaceful state mind. If you are not well grounded in the true Self and the pure Mind, your life surely will be miserable by all the waves of fluctions especially in a critical situation. So, meditation is such important to recover our true Self and even for survival especially in the transition time.

1 comment:

  1. Surround yourself with the environment including people which improve your spirituality.
