Friday, June 27, 2014

Mujin, 50th year the five stars arranged in straight line

Dr. Park, Seok-Jae (President of Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute):

Almost 20 years ago, the two juniors already revealed the historical record of "In Mujin,
13th Heuldal Dangun, his 50th year rein of Gojoseon (BCE 1734) recorded the five stars were arranged in straight line (戊辰 五十年 五星聚婁, 무진 오십년 오성취루)". By that time, they tested it with a Nasa program using a super computer to prevent the errors. Now, you don't need that, just download the cheapest software instead and simulate it, then you will instantly see the result.

Dr. Ra, Dae-il was a genius but died early. And Dr. Park Chang-bum was a member of the young scholar group who announced this scholarly result, but because of how toughly he suffered from his announcement, he doesn't want to easily mention this anymore.

I am the one recently who mentioned again in EBS (Educational Broadcasting System in South Korea) program that the astronomical records cannot be left behind without an astronomical observatory. It is totally nonsensical to say "there was no Gojoseon which left behind this record and instead it was just a tribe who lived in a cave.

With my scholarly conscience, I am saying that the historical record of "Mujin, 50th year the five stars arranged in straight line" can never be artificially manufactured. Simply speaking, 'there was a historical record so, they simulated it and if the result of the simulation shows correct, then the record is authentic.'

-Roughly translated on June 28, 2014-

박석재 한국천문연구원장:

두 후배가 거의 20년전에 벌써 무진오십년오성취루를 밝혔다. 당시에는 오류가 나면 안되니까 슈퍼컴퓨터로 나사프로그램을 돌렸다. 지금은 그럴 필요없다 가장 싼 소프트웨어 다운받아서 돌려봐도 바로 나온다. 라대일박사는 거의 천재에 가까웠는데 일찍 죽었고 박창범박사는 소장학파로서 이걸 주장하고 얼마나 시달렸는지 여기에 대한 언급을 웬만하면 잘 안한다. 내가 최근 ebs에서 다시 언급했는데, 천문기록은 천문대가 없으면 남길수가 없다. 이런 기록을 남긴 고조선이 존재하지 않았다고 하고 동굴속에 살던 부족국가에 불과하다고 얘기하는 것은 말도 안 된다. 천문학자의 양심을 걸고 오성취루 기록은 조작할 수 없다. 무식하게 말하면 '기록이 있어서 측정을 했고 그것이 맞으면 맞는거다!'

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