Wednesday, June 25, 2014


Persimmon, Persimmon,
When you come to fruition, do not fall,
When you are about to fall, do not come into bearing.


"감아, 감아, 열거든 떨어지지 말고, 떨어지려면 열지를 말거라."

One day, Sangjenim said to the disciples "Proverbs are all sacred expressions, and secrets of life." and He further mentioned "yu ji ja sa gyeong seong (有志者事竟成), which means once someone who has a sincere will sets up his resolution, he will keep that mind consistently throughout his life until he finally accomplishes the resolute goal. They say 'Heaven helps those who help themselves', however words are easy to say but hard to express in action." 

[JSD Dojeon 8:104] 

Roughly translated by SangKyu Lee from Korean Dojeon

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