1. The standard of
morality and doctrine
Where does the standard
of ancient morality and current doctrine come from? Does it come from the understanding or from the right or wrong? If the standard of morality and
doctrine came from the right or wrong, this humanity is a such humanity shown in the
book 『Cheonggu-lidam-jib; 청구이담집』 which avoids the heat
of the dog days in the shade of a tree and cut down and set fire of the tree in
the winter time, a humanity which runs cattle to plow a field and slaughter to eat the cow after the work,
a humanity described in the book 『Hojilmun; 호질문』 written by Park, Ji-won which steals the foods
of bees and grasshoppers, then there is no animal more sinful than this
humanity, thus shouldn't this humanity surely be eliminated by guns, bombs, and
Therefore, the issue of
humanity is only in the understanding. For the matter of understanding, Śākyamuni, Confucius, Jesus, Marx and Peter Kropotkin were born.
Because they lived in the different ages and circumstances, their emotional
impulses were also different so, even though there is various degrees of large
and small, wide and narrow understandings, but the understanding is the
And their disciples
also well understood the true intention of their mentors and seek the benefit
of their side, so the Buddha of China is different from the Buddha of India,
the Confucius of Japan is different from the Confucius of China, Even Marxism
is also all different; Marxism in Kautsky, Lenin, Chinese, and Japanese Marxism
are all different.
However, because the
people of Joseon always seek the truth out of the understanding, when the
Buddha comes in, it doesn’t become the Buddha for Joseon but become the Joseon
for Buddha, when the Confucius comes in, not become the Confucius for Joseon but
the Joseon for Buddha, and whatever doctrine comes in, it doesn’t become the
doctrine for Joseon but become the Joseon for doctrine. Therefore, there is a
Joseon for the morality and doctrine but no morality and doctrine for Joseon
Ah, Is this the
distinct character of Joseon? If it’s a character, it may be a character, but
it is the character of slave. I am crying out for the morality and doctrine for
the Joseon.
Danjae, Shin, Chae-ho
-Roughly translated on June 30,
Adding my personal opinion:
Do we need to live for doctrine as slavery or practice the
doctrine for humanity? What could be the ultimate purpose of all doctrines and
I believe the purpose of all doctrines and religions is to
establish the better world for the entire humanity. Many sages, philosophers, ideologists,
and regional heroes have developed and provided their teachings and ideas to
make the better world. They have sought the better system for personal, social,
nation-wide, world-wide and universal level of human life. But all the ideas
vary according to their level of understandings and from which the first
conflicts started. And even now, many people are willing to kill each other for
their faith and political viewpoint.
Therefore, the history of humanity has been the history of
conflicts and wars to establish their ideologies and doctrines in some point.
And naturally the wider and bigger understandings prevailed over the others and
survived; from regional to global and from personal to universal. That's the
development process of human history in which we can see the will of heaven.
Then, I can say the ultimate goal of all religions and doctrines is actually in
the establishment of kingdom of Heaven, God in which all people will clearly
recognize the real identity of God, in which all people will unite under one
doctrine, the immutable principle of universe, in which all people will find
the true peace, love and justice, and in which the dream of all the sages,
philosophers, ideologist and heroes come true.
Previously, all understandings were not wide enough to
embrace all because of immature timing so, all of their ideas and doctrines are
limited, even doctrines of Śākyamuni Buddha, Confucius, and Jesus has some
flaws and limits. No doctrine or religion could provide the holistic view for
the entire world and universe. But I appreciate their contributions for the
development of human civilization. We cannot expect the fruits without flowers
and we can develop the synthesis because of thesis and antithesis. Without the
process of development, there is no conclusion as well. So, we need to
appreciate the contributions of the previous doctrines even if they have many
flaws and errors. But we cannot practice those limited doctrines in this age
any more.
Since we are already living in a globalized world and all
the previous doctrines show their clear limits, we should find the final
synthesis which can unify the unify entire world and establish the ideal world.
If we cannot find, we should develop such synthetic doctrine which can open up
new era for the new civilization. Then who could do this? Even the greatest
sages like Śākyamuni Buddha, Confucius, and Jesus couldn't make it. Then, who
can make it? The one who can make it is only the master of this universe. And
that is the very dream of God ever since. So, such wonderful world surely shall
be established by the will of God; (the genuine ruler of the universe, the
emperor of heaven and earth, original master of this universe).
Our 100 years of human history is actually full of miracles
which show the results of the work of God, Sangjenim, who came in this world
144 years ago as a human to save humanity in this transition time. With His
ceaseless efforts, He prepared all the methods to save humanity. That is the
story of Cheonjigongsa (work of renewing heaven and earth). With His will and
commends and tremendous efforts, He changed the principle of universe and order
of humanity. So, we don't need to develop the new synthesis because He already
prepared it. What we need to do is to understand His plan deeply and prepare
ourselves to overcome this coming universal upheaval and then establish new
civilization under new heaven and new earth.
So, to all the destined great souls, it is time for you to
wake up now and knock the door of Jeungsando and join the army of God. You are destined to fight against the confusing dharma and injustice and establish new human civilization
according to the plan of God, Jeungsan Sangjenim.
Original text below,
1. 도덕과 주의의 표준
옛날의 도덕이나 금일의 주의란 것이 그 표준이 어디서 났느냐? 이해에서 났느냐? 시비에서 났느냐? 만일 시비의 표준에서 났다면 『청구리담집』에 보인 것과 같이 나무의 그늘에서 삼복의 더위를 피하고는 겨울에 그 나무를 베어 불을 때는 인류며, 소를 부리어 농사를 짓고는 그 소를 잡아 먹는 인류며, 박지원의 『호질문』에서 말한 것 같이 벌과 황충이의 양식을 빼앗는 인류니, 인류보다 더 죄악 많은 동물이 없은 즉 먼저 총으로 폭탄으로 대포로 세계를 습격하여 인류의 종자를 없애버려야 할 것이 아니냐.
인류는 이해문제 뿐이다. 이해문제를 위하여 석가도 나고 공자도 나고 예수도 나고 마르크스도 나고 크로포트킨도 났다. 시대와 경우가 같지 아니하므로 그들의 감정의 충동도 같지 않아서 이해 표준의 크고 작고 넓고 좁음은 있을 망정 이해는 이해이다.
그의 제자들도 스승의 참뜻을 잘 이해하여 자기 편의 이익을 구함으로, 중국의 석가가 인도와 다르며, 일본의 공자가 중국과 다르며, 마르크스도 카우츠키의 마르크스와 레닌의 마르크스와 중국이나 일본의 마르크스가 다 다름이다.
우리 조선 사람은 매양 이해 밖에서 진리를 찾으려 함으로, 석가가 들어오면 조선의 석가가 되지 않고 석가의 조선이 되며, 공자가 들어오면 조선의 공자가 되지 않고 공자의 조선이 되며, 무슨 주의가 들어와도 조선의 주의가 되지 않고 주의의 조선이 되려 한다. 그리하여 도덕과 주의를 위하는 조선은 있고 조선을 위하는 도덕과 주의는 없다.
아, 이것이 조선의 특색이냐? 특색이라면 특색이나 노예의 특색이다. 나는 조선의 도덕과 조선의 주의를 위하여 통곡하려 한다.