Thursday, July 3, 2014

Yeongbogug-jeongjeong-jibeob (靈寶局定靜之法)

Yeongbogug-jeongjeong-jibeob (靈寶局定靜之法)
[The method of calming and purifying the priceless divine world]

The stillness 'Jung' () means that the mind returns to the ultimate one (一定) and remains unshakable to others, So it never be seduced by the wealth and fame and even the most precious valuables cannot distract it. The will firmly settled on the ultimate one (一定) and the mind never be disturbed by anything. Thus, the "imperturbable mind" of Mencius and the "stillness after returning to origin" of Lao-tzu are all talking about the same state of this mind. 

Then, neither the world of phenomenon above nor the sea of desire below shall exist anymore, the ears and eyes shall get clear in a thought or ten thousand thoughts, the body and mind be forgotten, both the essence-spirit (精神) and chi-movement (氣運) become invigorated, the inside and the outside be all empty and calm. You will enter into the calm and deeper level and become naturally oneness with origin and fully recover the original state of the mind (Taeiljicheon, 泰一之天), the essence-spirit (精神) and chi-movement (氣運) shall be cool and bright, then there is no place the light of your spirit cannot illuminate and no logic it cannot penetrate.

But if the mind gets noisy and agitated, the essence-spirit and chi-movement becomes cloudy and dark, the bright and clear mind (spirit light) also gets dim and obscure then how could it be beneficial for preserving the original state of mind?

Only when you constantly and carefully focus on the ultimate one and not to lose it so that your one mind is never agitated, then every pulse becomes cool and clear, and the circulation of water-ascending and fire-descending naturally occurs, and the chi-movement will be cool and clean and the essence-spirit will be clear and bright, and with the brilliance emanating from the vast universe (泰宇發光) the world of emptiness and phenomenon shall be penetrated from the heavenly realm above and pierced to the depth of earth below, then being empty and empty so that the brightness opens up endlessly. Thus, if you diligently devote yourself to keep continue to focus without a single disconnection, you will clearly see the realm of spirits and could access to the spirit world. 

However, there are five distractible facts to avoid in this practice. The first is the distrust; no sincere belief. The second is the leaking-chanting; tongue movements without mind. The third is the cling; cling only to the magical practice. The fourth is the delightfulness and the fifth is the impatience. Those all shall certainly cause a serious disease which makes you to fall into the false dharma therefore; you should be respectable, careful and pay close attention on your meditation.

-Roughly translated on July 04, 2014-

* Yeongbogug (靈寶局, 영보국)
It is another name of a devine human which represents a miniature of universe or a miniature of heaven and earth.

* Jeongjeong (定靜, 정정)
Concentrate the scattered mind on one thing and lead the mind to enter the original state of the mind which is empty.

*Suseung-hwagang(水昇火降, 수승화강)
The fire chi usually resides in the human's upper body due to the heart (心臟), in the lower body dwells the water chi because of the kidneys (腎臟), but through meditation, we can circulate the chi of water and fire.


고요할 ()이라는 것은 일정(一定) 곳으로 돌아가 마음이 다시는 다른 곳에 요동치 않아 부귀(富貴) 영화(榮華) 마음을 유혹(誘惑)하지 못하고 금은보화(金銀寶貝) 뜻을 빼앗아 가지 못할 것이니, 일정(一定) 뜻을 세워 나의 마음이 ()하지 아니한 , 맹자(孟子) 부동심(不動心) 노자(老子) 귀근정(歸根靜), 뿌리로 돌아가 고요함이 모두 이것이라.

위로는 () 세계(世界) 없고 아래로는 욕망(慾望) 바다가 없어져 생각 생각(萬念) 귀와 눈이 밝아지고(), 몸과 마음을 모두 잊어버리고 정신(精神) 기운(氣運) 모두 상쾌하여 안과 밖이 모두 텅비고 깊고 ()해지고, 고요하고 깊은 차원(次元) 들어가 담담하게 하나가 되어 나의 태일지천(泰一之天) 완전케 정신(精神) 기운(氣運) 냉철(冷徹)하게 밝아져(), 어느 곳이나 비추지 않는 곳이 없고 무슨 이치(理致) ()하지 않는 것이 없게 되나니,

그러나 만일 떠들고 동요(動搖)되면 정신(精神) 기운(氣運) 아득하게 어두워지고 밝고 맑은 정신(神光) 컴컴하게 어두워지니 근본 마음자리(思想) 보존하는데 무슨 이익이 되겠는가.

오직 끊임없이 치밀하게 생각하여 잊지 않는다면 일심(一心) 부동(不動)함에 모든 () 서늘하게 되어, 자연 수승화강(水升火降) 이루어져 기운(氣運) 깨끗하고 정신(精神) 맑아져, 태우발광(泰宇發光) () () 위로는 천계(天界) ()하고 아래로는 지부(地府) 꿰뚫어 텅비고 텅비어 광명(光明) 끝이 없게 되나니, 부지런히 정진하여 끊임이 없으면 귀신경계(鬼神境界) 환히 보이고 열리게 됨이라.

그러나 이렇게 행하는데 있어서 다섯 가지 피할 것이 있으니, 첫째는 불신(不信), 믿지 않는 것이요, 둘째는 설독(泄讀), 정신은 다른데 있고 혀만 움직임이요, 셋째는 집착(執着), 기이한 술법(術法)에만 매달리는 것이요, 넷째는 환희(歡喜), 다섯째는 성급함(慾速)이니, 모두 병이 되어 반드시 사도(邪道) 빠질 것이니 공경하고 삼가하여 신중을 기할지니라.

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