Monday, July 7, 2014

Hwanguk Ohun (桓國五訓)

Hwanguk Ohun (桓國五訓)
[Five teachings from Hwanguk dynasty]

1. Behave with sincerity and faithfulness in every matter, so not to be untruthful,
2. Be attentive and diligent, so not to be lazy,
3. Do your filial duty and be obedient, so not to defy your parents,
4. Be integritous and righteous, so not to be obscene,
5. Live humble and harmonious, so not to fight with others.

-Roughly translated on July 5, 2014-


1. 成信不僞
2. 敬勤不怠
3. 孝順不違
4. 廉義不淫
5. 謙和不鬪

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