Sunday, July 13, 2014

The Seeker's Path

[The Seeker's Path]

Sangjenim said to the disciples, "Long ago, a man who wanted to learn the mastery of Immortalism wandered in search of a master. Finally, a master consented to teach him. 'Prove your devotion for ten years,' the master said, and so the man lived as a farmhand and devoted himself to working the master's land.

"When the ten years had passed, the master praised the man's sincerity and said, 'I will now teach you the mastery of Immortalism.' The master took him to a pond nearby and told him, 'Climb up that willow tree and onto the branch extending over the water. When you jump into the water, you will become enlightened into the mastery of Immortalism.'

"Firmly believing in the master's words, the man climbed up the tree and jumped off the branch. In the instant before he would have plunged into the water, clouds of every hue swirled around him to the accompaniment of celestial music, and a shining chariot swept him away to heaven.

"Was this owing to the dao mastery of the master? Or was it due to the sincerity and devotion of the student? Contemplate this story well."

-JSD Dojeon 8:9-

[Choe's Foresight of Impending Cataclysm]

One day, Sangjenim said to the disciples, "In Goheung County, around the time of the Japanese invasion in 1592, there lived a man with the surname Choe who was a lowly township official. Though Choe's speech and manner seemed crude like those of a drunk, when given a task, he would carry it out intelligently and decisively.

"A village school teacher named Ryu regarded him highly for this. When they heard a rumor that the Japanese would invade the country, Ryu asked Choe how to take refuge. Choe declined to answer several times, saying he did not know, but eventually said, 'Sell all your possessions and land, and leave the money with me.'

"Ryu consented and left his money in Choe's care. Choe began drinking and reveling with the money, but Ryu chose to overlook this.

"One day, Ryu received a message that Choe had died. Shocked, Ryu rushed to Choe's house and found that he was, indeed, dead. Ryu asked Choe's son, 'Did he leave any final words?'

"The son answered, 'My father said you and your family should dress in mourners' clothes and follow his funeral procession to a valley in Jiraesan Mountain where the funeral will be held.'

"Still firmly believing in Choe, Ryu went home and discussed the matter with his family, but everyone except his youngest son refused to do it. Only the father and the son followed the funeral bier to the mountain.

"When they arrived in the valley, they heard a voice from above, 'Leave the funeral bier and come with me.' They looked up and saw Choe at the top of the valley. They left the bier and followed Choe to a house with an ample store of food.

"Some time later, when they climbed to the top of the mountain and looked down at where they used to live, they saw a great fire raging. When they asked what had happened, Choe answered, 'The Japanese invaders are burning the entire village.' It was said that when they met Choe in the valley, his face was a little different than before."

-JSD Dojeon 7:64-

[One Mind: The Mindset for Heaven and Earth's Ilkkun]

Sangjenim said, "This is the work of rowing the Ship of South Joseon. The spirits of virtuous sages venerated with sacrificial offerings for a thousand autumns row the ship, and Jeon Myeong-suk is the head oarsman. When asked how they have come to merit veneration with sacrificial offerings for a thousand autumns, these spirits answer that everything came of having one mind. Only those of one mind may board the ship."

After conducting all appropriate rituals, Sangjenim burned the paper upon which He had written.

-JSD Dojeon 6:51-

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