Monday, July 7, 2014

Why was your wife swept into the air?

During a Journey from Pyeongyang to Gongju

Sangjenim sojourned in Pyeongyang for a considerable time, conducting works of renewal for technological advancements. Many people gathered to observe and serve in His work, and many sought to host Him at their homes.

He took up one man's invitation and resided with him for a few days, but the man's wife eventually complained, "What kind of person has my husband brought here? What was he thinking?"

As soon as these words left her mouth, she was swept up and suspended in the air. Horrified, she screamed to her husband until she was hoarse, flailing her arms and kicking her feet in an attempt to get down. Her husband tried to catch hold of her to pull her down, but she was out of his reach.

Sangjenim emerge from a room with Hyeong-ryeol and sternly asked her, "Do you not know what you have done wrong?"

"What am I guilty of?" she answered, not realizing her fault.

"She has graciously prepared meals for us," Hyeong-ryeol said to Sangjenim. "Please let her down."

"Should I?" Sangjenim mused. He touched the strap on His jacket, and she was safely returned to the ground. Sangjenim told His host, "Your wife does not think well of us, so we will not eat here anymore. We should be going."

"It is not that way at all," the husband protested.

"Then why was your wife swept into the air?" Sangjenim asked. The husband and wife finally realized her fault and begged forgiveness. Sangjenim said, "If you tell lies, your tongue will wear away. If you speak ill of someone after giving them something, you will be swept into the air like a fallen leaf."

When Sangjenim began to leave, the husband pleaded, "I will change her ways. Please do not go." But Sangjenim left, setting out for Gongju.

-JSD Dojeon 5:56-

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