Thursday, July 10, 2014

Chilseong (七星)- Seven Stars

[Meditation at the Seven Stars Shrine of Daewonsa Temple]

1Jeung-san finished meditating atop Sirusan Mountain on June 16, then left Gaengmang-ri Village and journeyed to Daewonsa Temple on Moaksan Mountain, where He immediately entered into meditation at the
Seven Stars Shrine.

-JSD Dojeon 2:2-

[Sangjenim Opens the Great Gate of the Spirit World and Assumes Authority over the Three Realms]

1Beginning on July 1, His fifteenth day at Daewonsa Temple, Jeung-san abstained from eating and drinking for seven days, meditating with one mind without once rising from the spot upon which He sat.
2On July 7, His twenty-first day at (the
Seven Stars shrine of) the temple, thunder roared, the earth shook, and an auspicious heavy rain began to fall. 3Amidst all of these portents, Jeung-san, through His boundless dao, opened the great gate of the spirit world. 4From this time onward, He reassumed His supreme authority over the three realms and wielded the universe's power of creative change at will.

-JSD Dojeon 2:10-

[A Forty-Nine-Day Work of Renewal at the Seven Stars Shrine of Daewonsa Temple]

1In the spring of 1909, Sangjenim went to Daewonsa Temple accompanied by Nae-seong, Hyeong-ryeol, and several other disciples, and there performed a work of renewal in which He entrusted great tasks to the disciples present. 2While at the temple, He declared to Head Monk Geum-gok and the disciples present, "I will now enter the
Seven Stars Shrine. Seal the door with paper. 3Do not draw near the shrine until I call for you."
4Sangjenim entered the shrine, offered a bowl of pure water in a southern direction, and then locked the door. 5For weeks, Sangjenim devoted Himself solely to meditation, observing a fast so complete that He did not take even a single sip of water. Hearing nothing from inside the shrine beyond an occasional cough, Geum-gok and the disciples grew concerned.
6On the forty-ninth day, Sangjenim came forth once more, and a splendid radiance shone from His face as He stretched wide His arms, proclaiming, "It is done! Let us go."
7Geum-gok exclaimed, "He surely must be the Lord of Heaven for how could a human meditate for forty-nine days without so much as a sip of water?"
8Sangjenim gave Nae-seong His right sock, and Nae-seong discovered that was full of phlegm.
9Afterward, Geum-gok esteemed the shrine room in which Sangjenim had meditated as though it were of gold. Geum-gok said, "When Maitreya Buddha's holy presence is felt, what use is Shakyamuni Buddha?" For the rest of his life, Geum-gok never again offered prayers to Shakyamuni Buddha.
10Many years later, Nae-seong's eldest son, Mun-hwan, entered the shrine and discovered that the place where Sangjenim had sat during His forty-nine-day meditation was warm as if heated.

-JSD Dojeon 3:200-

[I Must Establish the Reversion Dosu]

1One day in 1904, Sangjenim declared, "Heaven and earth are undergoing a reversion, so I must inevitably establish the Reversion Dosu." He then conducted a work of renewal in which He wrote:
左旋 四三八 天地 端紀 主張
九五一 日月 鋤王 主張
二七六 星辰 七星 主張
Four, three, eight
heaven and earth are presided over by mangnyang.
3Nine, five, one
sun and moon are presided over by jowang.
4Two, seven, six
the stars are presided over by the
Seven Stars.

-JSD Dojeon 4:39-

[I Gain the World on Horseback]

1Sangjenim once told Hyeong-ryeol, "I mastered the principles of heaven in 1900, then attained enlightenment in 1901 2when I was meditating at Daewonsa Temple, attended on by Bak Geum-gok."
3Sangjenim also declared;
I am Okhwang-Sangje.
4I am Maitreya.
5I am South Three-Ri-Fire (
6I am the
Seven Stars.

7I am heaven, earth, sun, and moon.
8I will return as fire.
9I gain the world on horseback."

-JSD Dojeon 6:8- 

[Hiding the Seven Stars]

7When they reached Choe Chang-jo's house, Sangjenim buried a written decree for lightning. Instantly, a storm of furious thunder and lightning shook the earth. Then, Sangjenim ended the storm just as abruptly.
The next day, Sangjenim returned to the medicine room in Guritgol Village. 8There, Sin Won-il asked, "Is it true that Great Monk Jin-muk hid the
Seven Stars for seven days?"
9"I will now illustrate for you," said Sangjenim, and He hid the
Seven Stars for three months. 10He later commented, "Though there are many people in the world who study the principles of the heavens, not one of them reported the disappearance of the Seven Stars."

-JSD Dojeon 3:183-

[Sangjenim Seals the Gate to Enlightenment]

1As Sangjenim and Bak Gong-u one day traveled to Jeonju County, they stopped for their midday meal in Soenae Village. 2Gong-u led Sangjenim to a house where they could eat, for it belonged to a friend—a follower of Go Song-am.
3In the midst of the meal, Sangjenim suddenly declared, "I drove away the qi of the West, but there was a sign that it was once more returning. I thought this strange. I did not know that someone in a backroom was engaged in a plot." 4He then commanded Gong-u, "Go to Go Song-am's house and offer your condolences on his death." 5Sangjenim then changed the position of the word mungok in the
Chilseonggyeong Mantra to seal the gate to enlightenment.

-JSD Dojeon 5:135-


[Removing Buddha's Qi from Geumgangsan Mountain]

1When Sangjenim was staying in Nongbau Village, Sunchang County, after completing the work of renewal for Joseon's destiny, He told Hyeong-ryeol, 2"Sustenance is infused within each of the twelve thousand wooden tiles of Gangseonnu Pavilion in Seongcheon County, which Heo Mi-su renovated. 3The twelve thousand peaks of Geumgangsan Mountain are being stifled by malevolent qi, and this qi must now be purged."

4"Take Gwang-chan and Won-il with you to Guritgol Village. The three of you will fill a large pot with pure water and pour it into twenty-four bowls twice a day, once in the morning and once in the evening, for ten days. 5At night, chant the
Chilseonggyeong Mantra twenty-one times and cut pieces of white paper about one inch long on all four sides. Each of you must write the word si () on each of four hundred pieces of paper. Paste these pieces on the four walls and wait for Me." 6He sternly warned, "When you paste the pieces of paper on the walls, there must be no overlap or even the slightest gap—the edges must fit perfectly."

7When Won-il received Sangjenim's instructions from Hyeong-ryeol, Won-il's face betrayed his exasperation. When Hyeong-ryeol reported this to Sangjenim, He replied, "Then take Yi Do-sam to carry out the task, instead."

8Hyeong-ryeol returned to Guritgol Village with Do-sam and Gwang-chan and carried out the work as ordered. After ten days, the papers written with the word si totaled twelve thousand, and these pieces of paper were pasted on the walls without any gaps.

-JSD Dojeon 5:129-

[A Work of Renewal Concerning the Chilseonggyeong Mantra]

1One day, Sangjenim gave Gim Deok-chan a piece of Western paper and said, "Write out the
Chilseonggyeong Mantra." 2When Deok-chan asked how large he should write it on the paper, Sangjenim said, "Do as you wish."
3When Gim Deok-chan finished, the writing filled the paper, leaving only enough space for three more characters. 4Seeing this, Sangjenim said, "Write the three characters chil, seong, and gyeong." Afterward, Sangjenim burned the paper.
5Sangjenim then declared, "The
Chilseonggyeong Mantra is a great sacred writing for defeating disaster and misfortune and for seeking blessings. The Gaebyeokju Mantra contains heaven and earth's supreme power."
6When Sangjenim had the disciples meditate, He usually had them chant the
Chilseonggyeong Mantra and then the Gaebyeokju Mantra.

Chilseonggyeong Mantra]

七星如來 大帝君 北斗九辰 中天大神
Chil-seong-yeo-rye Dae-jae-gun Buk-du-gu-jin Jung-cheon-dae-sin
上朝金闕 下覆崑崙 調理綱紀 統制乾坤
Sang-jo-geum-gweol Ha-bu-gon-lyun Jo-ri-gang-gi Tong-jae-geon-gon
大魁貪狼 文曲巨門 祿存廉貞 武曲破軍
Dae-gwe-tam-lang Mun-gok-geo-mun Nok-jon-yeom-jeong Mu-gok-pa-gun
高上玉皇 紫微帝君 大周天際 細入微塵
Go-sang-ok-hwang Ja-mi-jae-gun Dae-ju-cheon-jae Sae-ip-mi-jin
何災不滅 何福不臻 元皇正氣 來合我身
Ha-jae-bul-meol Ha-bok-bu-jin Won-hwang-jeong-gi Nae-hap-a-sin
天勍所指 晝夜相輪
Cheon-gang-so-ji Ju-ya-sang-ryun
俗居小人 ○○ ○○○ 好道求靈
Sok-geo-so-in ———saeng ———ho-do-gu-lyeong
願見尊儀 永保長生 三台虛精 六淳曲生
Won-gyeong-jon-eui Yeong-bo-jang-saeng Sam-tae-heo-jeong Yuk-sun-gok-saeng
生我 養我 護我 形我 許身形
Saeng-a Yang-a Ho-a Hyeong-a Heo-sin-hyeong
魁★★★ ★★★ 尊帝★★ 如律令
Gwe-jak-gwan-haeng Hwa-bo-pyo Jon-jae-geup-geup Yeo-yul-lyeong

-JSD Dojeon 5:230- 

[Ho-yeon's Meditation]

1On September 9, 1905, Sangjenim ordered two rolls of stiff cotton cloth purchased. 2He had the cloth used to make a tent big enough for two people in the front yard of Ho-yeon's family's house in Heukseokgol Village, and He had Ho-yeon meditate in this tent.

[Seeing with Her Spiritual Eye]

9Sangjenim told Ho-yeon to chant the
Chilseonggyeong Mantra and the Gaebyeokju Mantra and to: "Close your outer eyes and open your inner eyes."
10With her spiritual eye, Ho-yeon saw mullet and carp noisily drinking water from a big bowl. Later, she could even see them with her eyes open. 11Another time, she saw carp, catfish, mullet, and other fish swimming in the bowl she had set before herself. 12When the carp swam to the surface, female immortals descended from heaven. When the catfish came to the surface, an army of dignified soldiers armed with lances and swords charged into the valley and filled the yard. 13When the mullet swam to the surface, the seven astral monarchs of the
Seven Stars descended adorned with transparent crowns, and fearsome spirits on horseback drew up in two lines before her tent. The child fainted at the sight.

-JSD Dojeon 3:88-

Seven Stars Dosu for Long Life Without Aging]

1In September, Sangjenim wrote a mirror image of the following writing on seven pieces of Western paper:
2Illness arises from one's self.
3Burial, death, illness, debilitation, flourishing, crowning, clothing, bathing, birth, gestation, formation of an embryo, conception.
4After folding and sealing each of the seven papers, He gave them to Hyeong-ryeol and commanded, "Go to Jeonju, and whenever you meet someone you know, give them one of these papers. Return before nightfall."
5When disciples asked the meaning of the writing, Sangjenim answered, "Even if I explained it to you, you would not understand. Only after it is published will understanding dawn upon you."

[You Do Not Even Know Seven People?]

6Hyeong-ryeol went to Jeonju and gave papers to only five people: Gim Nak-beom, Gim Byeong-uk, Gim Gwang-chan, Gim Jun-chan, and Gim Yun-geun. 7Not wanting to disobey Sangjenim's order to return before nightfall, Hyeong-ryeol returned to Guritgol Village at dusk and gave the remaining two pieces of paper to Sangjenim.
8Sangjenim rebuked Hyeong-ryeol, "You live in this land, yet you do not even know seven people?" 9And He ordered, "Spread a straw mat in the middle of the yard, offer a jar of pure water on the center of the mat, and burn the remaining two pieces of paper." Hyeong-ryeol scrupulously carried out this order.
10When Hyeong-ryeol later asked about the significance of this work of renewal, Sangjenim said, "I was conducting a work for the
Seven Stars Dosu."

-JSD Dojeon 5:230- 

Seven Stars Dosu, Which Will Usher in the Later Heaven's Paradise of Creative Change]

1One day, Sangjenim wrote a summons on a piece of white paper and burned it. He then poured the ashes into a bowl of water and threw the water outside, yelling, "Geumok on Gyeryongsan Mountain!" He did so to summon the female spirit Geumok.
3Immediately after Sangjenim's yell, a sound like the chirping of a bird was heard and something flew onto His hand, which He had stretched out toward the door. 4"Step down," Sangjenim said. "Go request several gourd dippers from your elder and bring them here."
5But the spirit replied, "I have heard that there are no gourds because none were planted in the
Seven Stars."
"How could anyone be as foolish as you?" Sangjenim thundered and slapped her face. 6Those who could not see the spirit heard a slapping sound coming from thin air. 7He continued, "You fool, do you wish to be struck again? Go quickly!"
8Sangjenim marked dots on paper using a writing brush, while Hyeong-ryeol drew horses. Ho-yeon said, "Please let me try."
9In a consoling tone, Sangjenim said, "I am commanding the comings and goings of heaven and earth's spirits. How could you understand such things? I'll teach you someday."

[Testing the Spirits' Strength]

10After a time, the spirit Geumok arrived with three gourd dippers of different sizes and, giving them to Sangjenim, said, "I brought them as You ordered. But may I ask what will You do with them?"
11"These are no ordinary gourds," Sangjenim said. "When used by Me, they become gourds of creative change."
12A while later, Sangjenim opened the door and called out into the empty air, summoning another spirit. 13He told this spirit, "I will choose a day for a contest of strength with the commander spirits so that I can judge your power. Prepare yourselves well for the contest. I will have no use for those who prove weak. Inscribe this in your mind."
14"I will do as You command," the spirit said. "Perhaps, the contest could be held on the third day of the third lunar month?"
15"Very well," Sangjenim answered. "You need not return here. Let us instead meet at the pavilion on the archery range at Ok Road." When the spirit reported that it did not know the place, 16Sangjenim chastised, "Should you not, as a spirit, possess such knowledge? How can such a fool conduct the work of heaven and earth? 17Even spirits must be clever. Go and make the preparations quickly." The spirit bowed and left.

-JSD Dojeon 5:267-

[The Medicine Cabinet's Layout and Its Significance in the Work of Renewal]

1The medicine cabinet was approximately three and three-tenths ja in width and two and a half ja in height. 2At the bottom was one large drawer; just above it, a row of three middle-sized drawers; above that, three rows of small drawers, five in each row. 3On the drawer in the center of the fifteen small drawers, Sangjenim wrote, "Danzhu receives a mandate." Then, He placed tree peony bark in this drawer. 4On the same drawer, He wrote, "Steadfast against gales, thunder, and rain" and "Taeeulju Mantra." 5In the drawer above that, He placed snakegourd root, and in the drawer below, honeysuckle flower. 6On a long strip of Western paper, He wrote the characters of the
Chilseonggyeong Mantra in one vertical line. 7Under that, in a horizontal line, He wrote, "Striding as swiftly as King Yu, ascend to a resplendent world." 8At the bottom of the paper, He wrote, "Solar calendar, June 20. Lunar calendar, June 20." He then pasted the strip of paper on top and down the back of the cabinet.
9Inside the chest, He wrote "eight gates transformation (
八門遁甲)," and over that, He used a hot iron to brand the words "tongue gate (舌門)." Around the two characters, He marked twenty-four dots with red ink.

-JSD Dojeon 5:179-

[Time Is Running Out]

1In 1908, Sangjenim visited Gyeong-seok's house and wrote on a large sheet of paper, "The greatest palace under heaven, Efang Palace (
天下之大阿房宮)." 2Below this, He wrote various mantras, including the Taeeulju, Jeolhuju, Jinaekju, Chilseongju, Twenty-Four Generals, Twenty-Eight Generals, Jinbeopju, Unjangju, Gaebyeokju, and Yegoju mantras. He then pasted the paper on the southern wall of the room.

3Sangjenim next had the disciples sit cross-legged, and standing behind them, He said, "Those of you who are learned should memorize these mantras by reciting them aloud, while those who are unlearned should put your hands together and memorize these mantras by contemplating them." 4As the disciples studied, Sangjenim urged them to memorize the mantras quickly, proclaiming, "Time is running short!"

Those who could not read the mantras were the first to recite them by heart, chanting the mantras loudly. 5Sangjenim slapped His knee and exclaimed, "Of course. The unlearned have become the enlightened!"

-JSD Dojeon 6:52- 

[The Sangssireum Is for People with a Sangdu]

1While walking on Bonghwangsan Mountain in Gimje County accompanied by Bak Gong-u, Sangjenim said, 2"This mountain is Yellow Ox Mountain. Once the children and youths have wrestled, the adults wrestle in the sangssireum for the prize of a yellow ox. 3The contender in the sangssireum is one who has braced himself with meat and wine aplenty—he defeats his opponent with a single mighty shout and then goes forth from the ring with the yellow ox. 4The sangssireum is for people with a sangdu."

[Sangdu Refers to the
Seven Stars]

5When Gong-u asked about the meaning of the word sangdu, Sangjenim answered, "Sangdu (
上斗) refers to the North Stars, which are the Seven Stars."

-JSD Dojeon 6:60-

Seven Stars Dosu; Proclaim the Teachings Through the Taeeulju Mantra]

8One day, Sangjenim said, "Proclaim the teachings through the Taeeulju Mantra. Each of you, convey the teachings to one thousand people."
9Though all other disciples answered that this was impossible, Ja-hyeon and Hyeong-ryeol said, "Yes, we will do so."
10Sangjenim explained, "It is easy. First, you convey it to seven people, and then each of them conveys it to seven others. One thousand people may seem like many, but once you have begun, it is easy."
11He also said, "Only through the Taeejulju Mantra will virtue spread across the world and save people everywhere. 12The Practice of the Taeeulju Mantra is the practice of governing the world."

太乙天 上元君 吽哩哆口耶都來 吽哩口咸哩 裟婆詞

Hum-chi Hum-chi
Tae-eul-cheon Sang-won-gun
Hum-ni-chi-ya-do-rae Hum-ni-ham-ni-sa-pa-ha

-JSD Dojeon 7:57- 

[Descendents Are Born Through the Qi of the
Seven Stars]

12Gang Chil-seong of Jojong-ri Village always lamented that he did not have a son.
13One day, Taemonim told Chil-seong, "Have faith in Me and pray with devotion." 14She visited Chil-seong's house for three nights and chanted for him the
Chilseonggyeong Mantra. After that, Chil-seong's wife became pregnant and gave birth to a son.
15Taemonim told the disciples, "The qi of the
Seven Stars is a source of life; descendants are born through the qi of the Seven Stars."

[Chanting the Samsingyeong Mantra to Grant Descendants]

16One day, Taemonim said to Yi Yong-gi, "Yong-gi! Someone will come today, asking for a child."
17Shortly afterward, a man filled with grief because he was without a son came to Taemonim and implored Her to grant him a son. Taemonim chanted the Samsingyeong Mantra and granted him a line of descendants.
18At this time, Yong-gi's spiritual eye opened and he observed that when the rituals for receiving the qi of samsin and of the
Seven Stars were performed, the two energies united to conceive a life.

-JSD Dojeon 11:43-

[Head Disciple Go Min-hwan and a Work of Renewal for Governing with the
Seven Stars]

1One day, upon selecting Go Min-hwan as Her head disciple, Taemonim conducted a work of renewal for governing with the
Seven Stars. 2She told Gang Eung-chil, "Bring your gat and outer robe here." She donned these, making Herself look like a man. 3Then, She told Min-hwan, "Bring Me your gat and clothes." She dressed into these, too. 4She had Min-hwan wear Her own clothes so that he looked like a woman and had him remain in Her room.
5After a while, Taemonim went outside and said, "I am Jeung-san. 6Add seven to Min-hwan's age of forty and it becomes My age of forty-seven. Subtract seven from My age of forty-seven and it becomes Min-hwan's age of forty. 7Min-hwan is My representative and Jeung-san's representative as well."

[Seven Young Men and the
Seven Stars Dosu]

8Taemonim then conducted a work of renewal in which She established the
Seven Stars Dosu by selecting seven young men. She had them wear new clothes and assist in Her work. 9She said, "Only the union of spirits and humans can establish the basis of all creative change."
10She then had Go Min-hwan sit on a baduk board, hung a scale on him, and said, "You will manage the scale." 11She announced, "I will entrust Min-hwan with all matters from this time onward."
12Wearing male attire, Taemonim stayed in the guest room for three days and drank only rice wine, forgoing food. 13Since Taemonim consulted Min-hwan in conducting all dojang affairs, the disciples believed him to be Her designated successor.
14The Gangs of Jojong-ri Village harbored discontentment because, during Her work of renewal, Taemonim had not worn Gang Eung-chil's clothes and had conferred the dosu on Min-hwan. The Gangs' disgruntlement began on the night of this work of renewal.

[Bringing Forth the People of the Later Heaven]

15Taemonim then said, "The work of renewal involving the
Seven Stars is the work of bringing forth the people of the Later Heaven. It is the work of giving birth to and nurturing these people. 16The qi of the Later Heaven is the Seven Stars Dosu, which nurtures people. The coming world will be managed by the Seven Stars."
17She also said, "Sangjenim's Cheonjigongsa is for giving birth. My Cheonjigongsa is for nurturing."
18One day, Taemonim said, "The
Seven Stars Dosu is the dosu that concludes Cheonjigongsa."

-JSD Dojeon 11:81- 

[Warning of Dao Wars]

1Taemonim conducted with Min-hwan the work of renewal for governing with the
Seven Stars, drawing upon the seven-year age difference between Her and Min-hwan to establish the Dosu of Seven. 2Some people, ignorant of the meaning of this dosu, became jealous and formed a group, causing disruption. 3Consequently, Min-hwan recollected Sangjenim's words, "Trouble at home leads to war worldwide. In the future, there will be dao wars." Thus, Min-hwan grew apprehensive about the imminence of discord within and without dao.

[Harmony with One Another Is Most Difficult]

7Taemonim said, "People speak with one another without knowing each other's minds. 8Enlightenment into the principles of heaven encompasses the mastery of how yin and yang circulate throughout the four seasons. 9Enlightenment into the principles of earth encompasses the mastery of the ways of bountifully harvesting myriad crops. 10Enlightenment into the completion of humanity encompasses the mastery of how all things and beings arise and evolve. 11It is most difficult to attain harmony if we do not first understand one another's minds."

-JSD Dojeon 11:82-

[Granting Blessings, Sustenance, and Longevity Equally to All]

1After a chiseong on March 25, 1929, Taemonim gathered dozens of male and female followers and announced, 2"Since everything depends on the
Seven Stars, I will perform a work of renewal concerning the Central Heaven. 3In the Early Heaven, a person's lif span was determined by Myeongbu. But in the Later Heaven, the realm of the Central Heaven spirits will assume this responsibility and determine everyone's longevity with fairness and equality. 4Throughout the fifty thousand years of the Later Heaven, heaven and earth will grant blessings and sustenance equally, plentifully, and endlessly." 5Looking up at the sky, She called out, "Central Heaven spirits! Central Heaven spirits! Central Heaven spirits!" 6In the sky, a cloud formed in the shape of a person with head bowed as if receiving an order.

[The Central Heaven Spirits Determine Life and Death]

7One day, Taemonim said, "Chant the
Chilseonggyeong Mantra time and time again. 8Your ancestors will thrive if you pray to the Central Heaven spirits, since the Central Heaven spirits determine life and death."
9She also said, "In 1902, when Sangjenim conducted a work of renewal concerning Myeongbu, He dissolved the Myeongbu of the Early Heaven and established the Myeongbu of the Later Heaven."

-JSD Dojeon 11:144- 

On another occasion, Taemonim said, "Samsin gives birth; the
Seven Stars nurture."
-JSD Dojeon 11:148- 

Chilseonggyeong Mantra (七星經) is a sacred mantra that brings blessings, defeats misfortune, and grants a healthy body and eternal life.

-JSD Dojeon 11:161-  

[The Boy Will Return to Life]

1The grandson of Chae Sa-heung of Seosu-ri Village died after ten days of repeated convulsions. 2Go Chun-ja, who had been treating the child, went to Taemonim and reported the story. 3Taemonim said, "Return to the child, sit beside the body, and chant the Gaebyeokju Mantra three times, the
Chilseonggyeong Mantra seven times, and the Gaengsaengju Mantra twenty-one times. The boy will return to life."
4Chun-ja returned and faithfully carried out Taemonim's command, and the child's life was immediately restored.

-JSD Dojeon 11:179-

[Food Offerings for Chiseongs]

3Speaking about foods offered in chiseongs, Taemonim said, "When performing works of renewal, Sangjenim used dog meat and pork, but did not use mutton. 4Dog meat is for the mangnyang spirits, and pork is for the spirits of generals and ministers. Fruit is for the
Seven Stars, and rice cake and fried meat are for the jowang spirits. 5Your Father likes chicken and I like vegetables. Beside My bowl place a spoon and chopsticks for the mountain spirits."

[The Pursuit of Becoming Generals and Ministers]

6On one occasion, Taemonim announced, "Nourish yourselves well, for your pursuit is the pursuit of becoming generals and ministers. Eat meat by the basinful, drink by the vat, and eat rice by the kettleful."

[Pray in This Way to Heaven and Earth Before Every Meal]

11One day, Taemonim spoke of meal prayers, "You receive your sustenance through heaven and earth's grace, so when you pray before a meal, pray in this way: 12'I am grateful for receiving sustenance through heaven and earth's grace. O ancestral spirits, your humble descendant desires a communion with you through this meal. Humbly, I beg forgiveness for my sins.'"
13Taemonim also said, "Though it is you who eat the food, your ancestral spirits also partake."

-JSD Dojeon 11:237-  

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